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April 14, 2008

Mission Freelancer

Filed under: Uncategorized — angela139 @ 5:39 pm

They say that looking for work can be just as hard as actually working at a job. This can be especially true for the freelance writer. Looking for work, putting in bids, and trying to build up a client base can be very trying for the freelancer. With a little elbow grease, and a lot of faith, it can be done. Many of the writing articles I have read discuss this fact. Many mention that a good writer can look at spending at least an hour or two a day trying to network, and get jobs. I have found that it should be even more for the freelancer who is just getting started.

Looking for work means writing emails, putting in time writing samples, and learning to perfect your craft. Dedication is the word that comes to mind here. If you are not dedicated to looking for work, then your client list will be short. Even when working on a job or project, always keep in mind that once finished, it will be time to look again. Maintaining good contacts with prospective clients will make sure that you have a steady line of work coming in.

While not every job a beginning freelance writer gets is going to put lobster and steak on the table, one should be sure that they are getting what they are worth. By showing a client that you have what it takes to not only complete a project, but do it well and before the deadline, you can build up your references. That will come in handy when it’s time to start bidding on the bigger projects.

One word of advice that I can add from my experience so far is that a freelancer should never bite off more then they can chew. While the money from a big project may look good, one should be honest with themselves as to whether or not they will really be able to complete the project. Clients will appriciate your honesty about being able to complete the work or not, instead of you trying to do more then you can.

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